Tepi (copia)


The kuripe is the projector for blowing snuff to another person.
The longer the length of the stroke, the impact and effect of the snuff is much more powerful.
The blowing when projecting the snuff powder is very important, for a good blowing, this has to be long, progressive, and end with a dry cut that drives the snuff with force.


Where to buy Tepi

Another of the accessories we have available to consume snuff is the Tepi. Basically, it is a projector for blowing snuff to another person. It should be noted that unlike the Kuripé, this one is longer. Thus, the snuff path is longer and, consequently, the impact and effect are much more powerful. Likewise, the blowing when projecting this powder is extremely important and indispensable in the consumption process. A good blowout should be long, progressive and end with a dry cut that drives the snuff hard.

If you are already familiar with the world of snuff, you probably know that there are accessories for them. This powder is of millenary origin and was used ancestrally by the tribes that inhabited the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The snuff mixture is consumed nasally, either by sniffing or blowing. However, it is not snorted, therefore, it requires the use of accessories to be able to consume it. The snorting action is not used because it does not carry the drug pathway in the brain.

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