Velho Cinnamon snuff


Strength: Intense and mystical

Color: Dark brown.

Granulation: Talc.

Aroma: Ceremonial.

All our jars contain 7 to 8 grams of snuff.


Scientific name: Miconia albicans

Family: Melastomataceae

Kingdom: Plantae

Class: Myrtales

Cinnamon Snuff of Velho is a strong snuff and acts in a general way on the body, favoring the physical, mental and emotional. Traditionally used by the natives of Etinia Huni Kuin, it can harmonize the user in various aspects, bringing physical cleansing, mental calm and alignment, and spiritual connection. This snuff is also used to promote focus and concentration, rooting awareness in the body, promoting mental harmony and vigor of the body.

Velho Cinnamon has properties that help with:

Minimizes joint pain

Treating rheumatic diseases

Purifies the blood

Along with Jurema’s snuff and Tsunu’s snuff, it is perhaps the most mystical snuff we have.